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Outdoor: Programs

6 Acres of Outdoor Play & Learning

Unique facilities

We fully embrace outdoor play and elements of the Forest School ethos. We hold daily outside sessions for all our children on our 6-acre site, giving all age groups access to continuous outdoor learning through play, discovery and sports.

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Sports Day 2023

Outdoor: Programs

Outdoor Learning 


Space to roam

Children have fully supervised access to a huge outdoor space in our private 6-acre grounds with time to play and learn new skills. With hands-on experience outdoors, children learn about nature and the natural world around them.


They learn to share and work together to solve problems and carry out tasks, building respectful bonds and solid relationships between each other and practitioners.



Nature provides countless opportunities for discovery, creativity, problem-solving, and STEM education. Interacting with natural environments allows children to learn by doing and experiment with ideas. In nature, children think, question, and make hypotheses — thereby developing inquisitive minds.

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Outdoor Learning

We have 2 all-weather outdoor classrooms. These enables us to fully extend all outside activities throughout the year irrespective of the age group or weather. Our preschool age group use these classrooms are their primary learning space.


Free play

Using our large outdoor sports fields, we offer weekly outdoor sports sessions run by a local company, challenging children to get fit and healthy whilst having fun. Children are also free to choose their own activities and safely engage with the outside.

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